When developing/creating digital artwork files, please take into consideration the following guidelines and procedures before sending to us for printing:
1. Provide Contact Information
Company Name​
Address, City, State, ZIP
Phone Number
Email Address
2. Layout
Must be suitable for type of printing (i.e. Digital, Flexographic, or Rotogravure)
Layout and main dimensions must be included in the job and must fit template provided by Ameri-Seal, showing fold lines, seam area, and layout restrictions
Predicated on the container, distortion areas may need to be addressed
A trapping stroke with a minimum of 1.5 points will be needed for all white and light inks/colors of text
Bar-codes typically should be placed on the vertical, depending on container
All layers are to be unlocked, please DO NOT send flat files
3. File Format
Layout Format: Submit Adobe Illustrator (.ai) file
Placed Images Format: Adobe Photoshop (.psd) file (NOT FLATTENED)
4. Text
Convert all text to Outlines
Please DO NOT use image files for text
Printer fonts used in the file should also be included for correction purposes
Text should be in either color black, a solid Pantone ink, or have a trapping stroke of 1.5 points to prevent registration problems and unclear text
6 point font is the smallest size recommended
Reverse printing of text should be created using a single color for the background, such as a Pantone ink (a process color background is not recommended)
Please supply file(s) on either CD/DVD, online file transfer service (Hightail, MailBigFile or similar) or email to Graphics@Ameri-Seal.com (Please ensure that the batch size is 5MB or under if emailed)
5. Images
Ensure that linked images are included in the disk or Zip when sending Illustrator and like files (not embedded)
All picture resolution should be at 300 dpi or greater and at 1:1 size or larger
Use CMYK color mode, NOT RGB
Monotones, Duotones, etc. are available when the color is designed from the Pantone Solid Coated Palette
6. Color Swatches
Colors and their Solid Coated Pantone numbers should be clearly labeled
Spot colors are best for matching specific colors
Please list number of colors used in the job
No more than:
8 colors for Flexographic
10 colors for Rotogravure
Digital, prints process color regardless of design
7. Scanning
For the best printing results, scan color slides, photographic print or hard-copies with a high end scanner at 300 dpi or greater. (Note: Existing printed samples are NOT acceptable for scanning/printing)
8. Email
Compress files as Zip (Package, with all images linked in the Zip folder)
9. Printouts
DO NOT use printouts from an inkjet printer to check the standard of printing
A Press Check Proof or Pre-Production run is the only way to show actual production quality
Artwork Approval Terms
Please make sure to check your art carefully. This includes all graphics, text, graphic placement, unwind direction, layflat dimension, seam location, and any specified tolerances. Ameri-Seal is not responsible for spelling errors or typos. While we make every effort to catch any errors, it is the customer’s responsibility to provide final approval on art prior to production. By providing your approval, the approver acknowledges that they have checked and are approving for production all of the above as applicable. Production does not begin until the final artwork is approved and signed. Ameri-Seal is not liable for delays in production caused by delays in artwork approval.
This dieline was determined by Ameri-Seal’s Engineering Department. It is the responsibility of the customer to evaluate the samples for proper form, fit, and function before signing. Ameri-Seal is not responsible for machine application issues (please consult the manufacturer) or any other application issues.
The customer is 100% responsible for approvals of Copyright, Trademark and Licensing Agreements, and Intellectual Property of artwork.